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Our Ministry


These Zoom-based Ministry classes will start in the 2024 school year. Register now to book your place!

Our Ministry Classes:

"Our Ministry" Zoom-based classes, are designed for JW kids of all ages

and are intended as a letter-writing online class. This class is FREE.

Brothers Paul and David who are both the Elders will be taking this class.

It is designed to help children not only to participate in this form of the 

Ministry, but also to interact with other homeschoolers and of course, to

improve their handwriting!

Enroll your child 

by email:

or, we will send the Zoom ID login after enrolling your child, please fill out the enrollment form

Day: Mondays

New Zealand: 6 pm, 

Australia: NSW: 4 pm, VIC: 4 pm, WA: 2 pm, QLD: 4 pm  / 

UK (London): 7 am / USA (Los Angeles): 11 pm


To download free letter-writing templates please visit: Letter Writing Tools | Aglow With The Spirit (


We are looking for the brothers (Elders, Ministerial Servants, Pioneers) to take this class in the UK and USA in different States if possible. Please email

Old Documents
"Homeschool Easy JW Kids" is supporting JW homeschoolers around the globe. 

We believe that homeschooling should not be expensive and so, the access to this Site's resources is donation-based.

Thank you for your donation

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